In May I listed our investment unit with a real estate guy I met when visiting a local BNI chapter. At the chapter meeting, Paul did a 10 minute presentation and impressed me with not only his local knowledge but his passion for the district.
I mean, how do you tell one agent from another, they all tout to be the best. So I took a gamble.
Fast track forward 60 days. Unit sold AND settled.
When Paul did the research there were 2 similar units on the market in our complex. One had been on the market for 154 days, and the other 212. That property was right next door and was listed for $195,000.
OMG, 212 days, I needed to clear this property quickly, the tenant had just moved out after 4 years and I didn’t want to have to re-tenant it while trying to sell it. And I certainly didn’t want to have to cover the mortgage. I needed to shift this property, and quickly.
Just on 31 days later, offer made and unit sold – and within 3% of the asking price. Woo woo.
So – was I a happy camper? You got that right.
So why am I sharing this?
I went straight to my Facebook wall and placed this rave review for Paul!
Paul Ellis of Warnbro Realty, about to become an Elders branch, is a legend. Sold my unit in a slow market in exactly 31 days. The unit next door is still on the market after 272 days. And I got within 3% of my asking price just like he said, legend.
Within minutes a friend posted a comment “Is he that good?”
Needless to say they have since touched base and no doubt they’ll be doing business together (by the way, this guy has several properties).
But it gets even better. Next day I get an email from someone else, “Should I use him?” Obvious response – “Yes!”
2 solid leads in 2 days! I reckon that’s a good start to the social media marketing arena.
And Paul doesn’t even have a Facebook Business Page (Yet). Imagine if he had that on a Facebook Business Page, that would mean those client raves would be there forever. Maximum Exposure, Credibility and your Authority, that’s what social media will do for your business. IF YOU DO IT RIGHT!
It’s not enough to just have a Facebook Business Page nowadays.
- You need to have it optimised
- You need to know how to leverage it properly
- You need to know how to use it to engage people, to maximise your efforts.
Check out this video, the numbers are staggering –
Want to get it right?
Check out the raves on our Smarter Workshops “Profit From Your FB Business Page ‘Hands On Do It With You” Workshop wall –
If you’re in Perth we have a workshop running THIS Friday (29th July 2011).
If you’re not in GET IN NOW. Call me direct on 0413 733 272.
There are only 5 spots left so don’t procrastinate – just BOOK NOW!
Also, check out the epic rave reviews we have on our Smarter WordPress Websites wall –
We show you how to do that, and a LOT MORE!
The point is this – you work hard to give great service – so why shouldn’t you get more referrals from all that hard work?
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